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BINA 2024 Community Congress

Join us on Sep 23

Building Community, Tools, and Expertise!

Important Details | Program & Calendar | Speakers | Registration | Sponsors | Travel & Map |
Optional Exchange of Experience | Organizing Committee | Code of Conduct
Michael W. Davidson Memorial Award

BINA 2024 Community Congress, Building Community Tool and Expertise written around the outside of a circle featuring a view of the capitol building from a lake with a badger climbing over the city

We are excited to welcome you in-person or virtually to the capital of the badger state in September!

Important Details:

Where: Union South, Madison, WI
1308 W Dayton St, Madison, WI
When: September 23-27, 2024
Format: Hybrid (In-Person & Virtual)
Registration: Registration is closed!
Travel & Accommodations – see full section
Download printable flyer here!

Thanks to the graphic designers at the Morgridge Institute for Research (the CZI grant home for BINA!) for their design work on our logo featuring the lakes, capitol building, and the state animal that are defining features of Madison, Wisconsin!


The program will be on Sept 23-26 and be focused on building: community, tools, and expertise. Friday Sept 27 will be an optional day with workshops and local facility tours!


BINA is awarding the inaugural Michael W. Davidson Memorial Award at the 2024 Community Congress. Please congratulate our awardee Beth Cimini and the outstanding nominees – see announcement.

Below is the calendar view of the program below, presented in US Central Time.

Event color key
Hybrid: Dark Blue = Keynote Presentations, Light Blue= Multi-presenter sessions
In Person: Green = Networking Sessions, Yellow = Meals
NOTE: Specific timings may change as we continue to finalize the program


  • Keynote Speakers
    • Eric Betzig, University of California Berkeley
    • Luke Lavis, HHMI Janelia
    • Laura Marcu, University of California Davis
    • Aydogan Ozcan, University of California Los Angeles
    • Virginie Uhlmann, University of Zurich
  • Session Speakers
    • Steve Boppart, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign 
    • Gil Bub, McGill University 
    • Adán Guerrero, Universidad Nacional AutĂłnoma de MĂ©xico 
    • Jan Huisken, University of Göttingen
    • Kristen Maitland, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative 
    • and many more… view the full program!

Registration Details

All participants must register to attend the Community Congress! Your registration badge will give you full access to the speaker program, poster and vendor networking sessions and lunch each day (Mon – Thu) and dinner Mon & Wed. There is limited capacity (~100) at dinner on Tues and Thurs and space will be filled on a first come first serve basis, after accommodating invited speakers and guests.

  • Registration Opens: May 1, 2024
  • Registration Closes: In-Person August 15, 2024; Virtual September 15, 2024
  • Corporate Attendees: $250 USD, see below for accommodation arrangements
  • Academic Attendees: no fee, see below for accommodation arrangements
  • Virtual Attendees: no fee, see below for accommodation arrangements
  • Posters: Designate interest in Registration Form, and submit Poster form by Aug 23
  • Accessibility: Please share accessibility needs with the organizers in your registration form so we can make sure the event is accessible for you


Event Sponsors for BINA 2024 Community Congress

Thanks to Nikon for sponsorship of the beverages at the Poster Networking Session!

If you are interested to sponsor this event, become a BINA sponsor at the Silver or above level. Then, please reach out to contact@bioimagingna.org to coordinate with the event organizers to sponsor this event specifically.

The Sponsorship Brochure detailing sponsorship opportunities at the event are here.

The opportunity to sponsor at the Diamond is now CLOSED/FILLED.
Sapphire level sponsorship is now CLOSED/FILLED.
The opportunities to sponsor at the Ruby and Emerald levels is available until CLOSED.


A brief summary is provided below, please see the travel doc for full details.


  • Fly into Madison (MSN) and take local ride service/taxi or public transportation
  • Fly into Milwaukee (MKE) and take Badger Bus to Madison (Lake St. stop)
  • Fly into Chicago O’Hare (ORD) and take VanGalder bus to Madison (Lake St. stop)

Driving to Madison

  • Hotel Parking – check with hotel
  • Campus Parking – public lots are available but often full
  • City Parking – city parking structures are available within walking distance

Hotels – see travel doc for booking codes!

See these locations and more in the map below

Optional Exchange of Experiences

BINA is coordinating Exchange of Experience opportunities on Friday September 27 after the BINA 2024 Community Congress program. If you are interested in participating in any of these opportunities, please indicate your interest in the registration form. We will reach out to you separately regarding coordination of these opportunities. Please note that places are limited and participation cannot be guaranteed.

To help guide your decision making, the topics and timing of these are detailed below.

Morning options (2 hrs) 9:30 – 11:30 am – PICK one

  • Getting Started with Fiji/ImageJ (Beginners) hosted by Helen Wilson and colleagues
    • Introduction to the Fiji/ImageJ digital image analysis software, including the basic concepts of digital images, image processing fundamentals, and simple techniques for image visualization, segmentation and measurement.
  • Managing the image-data life cycle for the real world: connecting the dots from sample preparation, to image acquisition, analysis and publications hosted by Caterina Strambio De Castillia and Beth Cimini
    • Hands-on, practical examples will be provided for all levels of experience/expertise regarding the importance of Image Metadata, FAIR Research Data Management, Integrated Imaging Pipelines, and Data Storage to ensure bioimaging experiments are reproducible.
  • Spatial Omics in Cores – Part 1 (general intro) hosted by Christina Baer & Karla Esbona
    • Spatial transcriptomics and proteomics encompass a rapidly expanding and evolving field, making it very challenging to identify the actual capabilities of new technologies and to understand how to effectively incorporate these approaches in a core facility. During this session, the speakers will provide any overview of the currently available instruments and explore research applications of the different technologies. We will discuss the additional equipment, data infrastructure, and user support necessary to successfully operate these platforms in a core environment. We will also cover the practical aspects of performing cutting-edge, high-cost experiments as a service, including strategies for costing, ensuring user satisfaction, and approaches for successful user education.
  • Enhancing Community Engagement
  • Economical Open Hardware High Content Screening Microscope hosted by Gil Bub, Claire Brown, Alex Corbett, Jez Graham
    • This workshop will present a new open hardware high content screening microscope from concept to modification and commercialization. Both open hardware and licensing will be discussed in the context of providing flexibility for researchers to build or buy the technology depending on their budget, needs and expertise. The advantages, opportunities, and challenges of disseminating this technology to under resourced and remote regions across the globe will be explored.

LUNCH will be provided for EoE participants (90 min) 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Afternoon options (2 hrs) 1:00 – 3:00 am – PICK one

  • Advanced Image Analysis with Fiji/ImageJ (intermediate & advanced) hosted by Curtis Rueden and colleagues
    • In-depth discussion of commonly useful image analysis techniques using Fiji/ImageJ, including segmentation, tracking, and 3D deconvolution, with a focus on using scripting and automation to achieve reproducible and scalable image analysis.
  • Cell Profiler hosted by Beth Cimini
    • In this workshop, we’ll cover the basic principles of image analysis for light microscopy and introduce CellProfiler, a no-code tool for making reusable, reproducible image analysis workflows. We will go through the process of building a pipeline and discuss where to find additional resources to help perform bioimage analysis. No previous experience required.
  • Metrology & the BINA Suitcase Program hosted by Kurt Weiss & Glyn Nelson
    • We will demonstrate some of the hardware and software tools for quality control measurements (metrology) of fluorescent microscopes. The protocols and equipment used here have been integrated into the Metrology Suitcase program and largely follow work by QUAREP-LIMI WG-1 and WG-5. Illumination power and point-spread function monitoring will be covered along with software tools for analyzing and tracking results.
  • Spatial Omics in Cores – Part 2 (deeper dive) hosted by Christina Baer & Karla Esbona
    • During this session, we will provide more detailed information about the workflows involved with a cross-section of these platforms, including the Vizgen MERSCOPE, the NanoString GeoMx, the Stellaromics PLEXA and the 10x Visium with CytAssist. An emphasis will be placed on developing a comprehensive understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach as well as on project planning for successful utilization of these different technologies. We will explore data collected on the Vizgen MERSCOPE, NanoString GeoMx, Stellaromics PLEXA, and other platforms using both the software provided by the companies as well as open-source analysis tools.

Break before tour(s) (30 min) 3:00 – 3:30 am

Late afternoon Facility Tours and Babcock Dairy/Ice Cream (2 hrs) 3:30 – 5:30 pm

Organizing Committee

  • Claire Brown (BINA Co-Chair) – Director of the Advanced BioImaging Facility, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
  • Kevin Eliceiri (BINA Co-Chair) – Center for Quantitative Cell Imaging, University of Wisconsin at Madison and Morgridge Institute for Research, Madison, WI
  • Nikki Bialy (BINA Program Coordinator) – Morgridge Inst. for Research, Madison, WI
  • Vanessa Orr (BINA Program Admin.) – Morgridge Inst. for Research, Madison, WI
  • Randy Bartels, Morgridge Inst. for Research, Madison, WI
  • Filiz Yesilkoy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
  • Heather Esser (Morgridge Admin. Assistant) – Morgridge Inst. for Research, Madison, WI
  • Ysa Pakowski (BINA Admin. Student Assistant) – Morgridge Inst. for Research, Madison, WI
  • And more!

Code of Conduct

We have adopted the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s Community Participation Guidelines; by participating in this event you agree to abide by these. If you need to contact the organizers to discuss a violation of these guidelines, please reach out to contact@bioimagingna.org.

Return to Program

Registration is now closed!

Registration closed